The RX-MFSHL-AC8 and RX-MFSHL-AC16 are lightweight radio receivers for applications that operate with a supply voltage of 24-230VAC such as chain hoists, small jib cranes, monorails and many others. The AC8 has 8 transistor outputs, the AC16-16p has 11 transistor outputs and the AC16-24p has 16 transistor outputs and 2 inputs. 1 output is reserved for the monitored stop output. There is an LED that indicates whether the receiver is on, the reception of the signal, main contact and any error. The receiver also has a buzzer and an Address Learn button with which a new transmitter can be learned. MFSHL (Multiple Frequency Sharing H-Link) technology allows up to twenty transmitter and receiver systems to be used close together, while sharing the same frequency. Industrial equipment operators using this technology now no longer have to worry about frequency management with multiple systems running simultaneously, without sacrificing safety and reliability.
We are specialists in creating customised systems that are perfect for your application. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the options.
Inputs: AC8: N/A, AC16-16p: N/A, AC16-24p: 2 digital On/Off 48-230VAC;
Outputs: AC8: 7 Solid state switching outputs at 3A, AC16-16p: 11 Solid state on/off outputs at 3A, AC16-24p: 15 Solid state on/off outputs at 3A;
Housing: MFS-AC8/MFS-AC16;
Output wiring/connector: AC8: 10p Harting connector, AC16-16p: 16p Harting connector, AC16-24p: 24p Harting connector;
Internal antenna;
Frequencies: 869, 915 MHz/2.4 GHz;
Power supply: 24VAC/48-230VAC;
Protection rating IP65;
Weight: 250/380 grams;
Optionally expandable with SNZ module (SIL3/Pld compliant);
Fully programmable to suit your needs;
The RX-MFSHL-DC8 and RX-MFSHL-DC16 are made for standard mobile applications with limited features without sacrificing safety and reliability. These receivers have high reliability, high quality and are competitively priced.
The RX-MFSHL-AC8 and RX-MFSHL-AC16 are made for standard AC applications with limited features without sacrificing safety and reliability. These receivers have high reliability, high quality and are competitively priced. These receivers have a 10, 16 or 24 pin Harting connector for quick installation.
Perfect for low or high temperatures (-20°C tot 70°C);
Maximum of ten push-buttons at the front side and four at the side;
Push-buttons are fully freely programmable;
TFT screen available for user half and full duplex feedback;
Frequency range: 4xxMhz, 8xxMhz, 1.216Ghz, 2.4Ghz
100m operating range;
IP65 protection rating;
One-handed operation using pistol-grip;
Optional protective cover or hanging magnet;
AA batteries or rechargeable batteries;
30m operating range;
IP65 protection rating;
AA batteries;
One-handed operation;
Programmable via H-Link
As a licensed assembling partner of Hetronic International, we carry out repairs and maintenance on all Hetronic radio control systems in our Service Center. We also offer you, often directly from stock, an extensive range of original Hetronic parts and spare parts.
For more information about radio control transmitters, quotes or other questions. You can contact us, we will be ready for you.
Hetronic is the global market leader in radiographic controls for industrial applications. With Hetronic you are assured of worldwide coverage for the delivery, installation and maintenance of your radio transmitters and receivers.
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