Radio remote control for material processing

The safe handling of materials requires accurate control when moving these materials. Hetronic radio remote controls for material processing offers a wide array of process-control solutions to meet this requirement. Regardless of the environment – indoors or out, in heavy industry or dockside – we assess your wishes and requirements and deliver precisely the right control solution. The expert technical team of Hetronic has designed a wide range of machine interface solutions, including wireless hand-held transmitters belly packs to carry out complex tasks remotely.

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Remote controls for safe and efficient material transport

With more than 350,000 radio remote control transmitters delivered to clients worldwide over the last 32 years, we understand the importance of safe and efficient material transport. Our ERGO, NOVA and other hand-held transmitter systems meet the requirements of the client with a variety of digital and proportional controls and controls with one or two buttons. Given that data feedback is vitally important for operational efficiency, Hetronic also supplies LCD or TFT displays and interface firmware to provide real-time information about performance. Each Hetronic remote control system is designed to process material flawlessly in timber factories, steel factories, warehouse, ports, container facilities, smelters, for AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles), conveyor belts and a large number of other applications.

Contact with our technical experts

Contact a Hetronic technical expert to discuss and configure the perfect solution for the remote control suited to your application. View the page Applications for a full overview of the sectors we supply.